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Glossary of Educational Terms

Academic Achievement Record (AAR)
The official and permanent record of a student’s academic performance in high school; also known as a transcript.
Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS)
A system that pulls together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. This information is put into the annual AEIS reports released each fall.
ACCESS (Alternative Cross-Curricular Education in a Structured Setting)
ACCESS is a specialized program within Klein ISD's continuum of special education services. It provides students with curriculum and instruction tailored to meet their individual needs in a special education classroom setting. The program focuses on helping students participate in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) through pre-requisite skills and offers an alternate curriculum that includes academics, daily living, social skills, and community involvement.
Changes to materials or procedures that enable students with disabilities or English language learners to participate meaningfully in learning and testing. It is important to remember that while some accommodations may be appropriate for instructional use, they may not be appropriate or allowable on a statewide assessment.
ACT (American College Test)
The group of tests administered by the American College Testing Program and required or recommended by colleges as a consideration in admissions. The tests measure educational development in English, Math, Social Studies, and Natural Sciences. Scholarship donors also generally require it as part of the application packet.
Adaptive Behavior
Adaptive behaviors are everyday living skills such as walking, talking, getting dressed, going to school, going to work, preparing a meal, cleaning the house, etc. They are skills that a person learns in the process of adapting to their surroundings.
Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee
A committee composed of a child's parent, the child, when appropriate, and school personnel who are involved with the child. The ARD committee determines a child's eligibility to receive special education services and develops the child's individualized education program (IEP) of the child. The ARD committee is the IEP team defined in federal law.
Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Meeting
A meeting to annually review a student’s special education program that includes an update of the student’s progress, a review of the current individualized education program (IEP), and development of a new IEP for the upcoming year.
Advanced Placement (AP)
A program written administered by the College Board that offers students the opportunity to take one or more advanced level courses and examinations from six academic areas: arts, English, history and social sciences, mathematics and computer science, sciences, and world languages. Exam scores of 3+ earn college credit based on college and university exam policy.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a law enacted in 1990 that gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities. This law protects people with disabilities at work, school, and in public places
Annual Aggregate
This pertains to the total amount of purchases made by a school district within a single category of items during a twelve-month period. The State does not prescribe on what date the period starts and stops, but the District has determined the period shall be its fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).
ASIU (Annual Student Information Update)
Klein ISD requires families to update each enrolled child's student information every year. Although many of our families have information that has not changed, for each student’s safety, it is required that information such as emergency contact information and more be reviewed and verified for each child.
A student is “at-risk” if the school is concerned that they may fail or drop out. A school may deem a student at-risk if they miss many classes. Or, a student may be at-risk if their behavior or quality of school assignments significantly deteriorates. Circumstances such as neglect, food insecurity, or homelessness can place a child at-risk.
An audiologist is a specialist who studies hearing. Audiologists administer hearing assessments to identify hearing loss and assist with the steps that follow.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
A computerized medical device that can check a person’s heart rhythm and determine if it requires a shock. The AED uses voice prompts, lights, and text messages to tell the rescuer the steps to take. (American Heart Association website)
Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
The number of students attending school on an average day. School districts receive funding based on ADA calculations.
Bark monitors Klein ISD’s student documents, emails, and online communications for issues like cyberbullying, adult content, sexual predators, profanity, suicidal ideation, threats of violence, and more. The school receives alerts only when something potentially problematic occurs online. At that time, school administrators will reach out to the parents and/or student.
BASE/BASE+ Program
The Behavioral Academic Support Education (BASE) and its enhanced version, BASE+, are specialized programs aimed at providing targeted support for students who face behavioral and academic challenges that may hinder their success in a traditional classroom setting. These programs are designed to offer a structured and supportive environment where students can develop the skills necessary for academic achievement and social-emotional well-being.
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is a written plan that identifies the specific strategies, interventions, and supports the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team will use to reinforce positive behaviors and decrease problem behaviors. The BIP should be based on multiple data sources, including a Functional Behavioral Assessment.
Benchmarks are milestones that enable parents, students, and educators to track a student’s progress throughout the year. Students in many grade levels take a Benchmark test near the end of the school year.
A bid is a response to a specified request for goods and/or services. A formal bid is usually requested for contracts exceeding an annual aggregate of $50,000.
Blanket Purchase Order
A form of purchase order that is to be used when the final price of the purchase cannot be determined until after the purchase has been made. Example: A blanket purchase order for electricity since the final cost cannot be determined until after the use of electricity.
Blended Learning
A mix of traditional classroom teaching and online instruction. This approach aims to leverage the best of both worlds for effective learning.
Bond Funds
The funds that school districts obtain by the sale of municipal bonds. A total bond amount must be approved by the voters within the school district, and the funds obtained may only be utilized to pay for capital improvements. These improvements may include new schools, additions and/or renovations to existing facilities, facility infrastructure, technology items, and transportation items. Bond funds may not be used for employee compensation.
Engaging in written or verbal expression or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the district that will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student's property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person or of damage to the student's property or is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)
Campus improvement plans are plans that are developed, reviewed, and revised annually for the purpose of improving school performance.
Campus Level Conference
A meeting held at the individual school involving key stakeholders such as students, parents or guardians, teachers, and school administrators. The conference's purpose varies but may include discussing academic performance, behavioral issues, or disciplinary actions. It serves as an initial platform for open dialogue and problem-solving, often preceding more formal proceedings like a disciplinary hearing. The conference aims to foster collaboration among all parties to support the student's educational experience.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Career and technical education focuses on equipping students for high-demand, skill-based careers, such as engineering, manufacturing, or health science. Career and technical education is characterized by hands-on learning and real work experience so that students can more readily complete certifications and confidently enter the workforce.
Child Find
Refers to state-developed policies and procedures that ensure that all children with disabilities residing in Texas, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated.
CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System
The CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System is a user-friendly, technology-driven tool enabling a teacher to quickly assess a child’s progress in a particular skill area. This simple yet reliable data collection prompts teachers to focus on lessons that target their students’ least developed skills.
CIS (Communities In Schools)
A stay-in-school program sponsored by the Texas Legislature. CIS uses a case management model to prevent dropouts, help students stay in school, learn successfully, and prepare for life.
CLEP (College-Level Examination Program)
A program administered by the College Board that gives students the opportunity to receive college credit for what they already know by earning qualifying scores on any of 34 examinations.
College Career and Military Readiness (CCMR)
College, Career, and Military Readiness indicates a student who is prepared to go directly to work, enter the military, or enroll and succeed in credit-bearing courses in a variety of postsecondary institutions so that they are ready to enter a career of their choice.
A purchasing consortium that sources products and services through State-accepted processes in order to expedite the procurement process for the District.
Core Academic Subjects
English, reading/language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics/government, economics, arts, history, and geography.
CSH (Coordinated School Health)
A systemic approach to advancing student academic performance by promoting, practicing, and coordinating school health education and services. The approach is designed to help students establish healthy behaviors that will last their lifetime.
The structured set of courses and content offered at a school. It outlines what students are expected to learn in each subject at each grade level.
DAEP (Disciplinary Alternative Education Program)
In accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC) 37.008, a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP) is an alternative education program for students who violate a district's Student Code of Conduct or commit certain other offenses, such as a felony offense.
DAP (Distinguished Achievement Program)
A program that requires that, in addition to specific course requirements, students successfully complete any combination of four advanced measures that focus on demonstrated student performance at the college level or work equivalent to that done by professionals in the arts, sciences, business, industry or in community service.
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)
The DRA is an individually administered assessment of student reading proficiency. The DRA allows teachers to determine each student's instructional level for reading and provides a method for evaluating their individual reading growth over time.
Differentiated Instruction
A process used to recognize a student's varying background knowledge, readiness, language, learning preferences, and interests. The intent of differentiated instruction is to maximize each student’s growth and individual success.
Digital Literacy
The ability to use digital technology effectively. It includes skills like internet navigation, word processing, and online communication.
District Improvement Plan (DIP)
The District Improvement Plan is a written plan that describes the school district and its areas of continuous improvement. The DIP is created by district staff in collaboration with campuses, families, and community.
DOI (District of Innovation)
A District of Innovation (DOI) is a designation granted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that allows public school districts to obtain exemptions from certain state laws and regulations. The primary goal of this designation is to give districts greater local control to tailor their educational programs to better meet the unique needs of their communities.
Dual Credit

Dual credit courses may be taught on the high school campus by an approved instructor or on the college campus.

Dual Language Immersion Program (DLI)
A bilingual/biliteracy program model in which students identified as emergent bilingual students are served in both English and another language and are prepared to meet reclassification criteria in order to be successful in English-only instruction not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school. Two-way Dual Language Immersion integrates identified emergent bilingual students with English-proficient students to achieve bilingualism, biliteracy, high academic achievement, and global awareness.
Early Childhood (EC)
Early Childhood is a pivotal period of child development that begins before birth through age 8. This is a period of rapid brain and body development. The experiences and opportunities offered in early childhood lay the foundation for how children grow, learn, build relationships, and prepare for school.
EB (Emergent Bilingual Students)
Multilingual students who are identified by state criteria to receive support in English development. In Klein ISD, families of EB students who qualify for services may choose from Dual Language, Transitional Bilingual, or ESL programs. The programs vary by grade level and campus.
EDGAR (Education Department General Administrative Regulations)
Guidance from the Department of Education on how to procure using federal funds. This guidance is taken from 2 CFR 200.
Short for Educational Technology. EdTech refers to software, hardware, and processes that enhance learning.
ELAR (English Language Arts & Reading)
English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR) is an academic discipline that focuses on studying and developing skills related to the English language. In K-12 education, ELAR aims to equip students to effectively communicate, analyze text, and appreciate literature, preparing them for college, career, and life.
EMAT (Educational Materials Online)
A multipurpose web-based application that automates many of the processes involving the ordering, shipping, warehousing, redistribution, and payment for state-adopted instructional materials requisitioned online by school districts. Major users include textbook coordinators at school districts and charter schools, agency instructional materials and accounts payable staff, publisher depositories, freight carriers and express delivery companies, Braille and large-type textbook producers, and publishing company sales staff.
An endorsement is a series of courses related to the student's interests and/or skill set, focusing on the student's high-school courses to gain in-depth knowledge of a subject area. Students must select an endorsement as part of their graduation requirements.
In 2013, the Texas legislature enacted a law, House Bill 5, that requires school districts to make endorsement pathways available to students as part of their graduation planning. A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: the curriculum requirements for the endorsement, four credits in mathematics, four credits in science, and two additional elective credits.
The endorsement pathways offered are:
EOC (End-of-course exams)
The end-of-course exams are the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests for high school students. The five EOCs required for graduation include English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and U.S. History.
EOP (Emergency Operations Plan)
An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a structured framework designed to guide an organization's response to and recovery from emergencies. For school districts like Klein ISD, an EOP is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and visitors during natural disasters, acts of violence, or other emergencies.
ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
A federal law passed in 1965 that funded primary and secondary education. The act was reauthorized by Congress multiple times after its enactment and, in 2001, was renamed the No Child Left Behind Act. This major education law is now being referred to as ESEA once again.
ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund)
ESSER encompasses a series of federally-funded programs providing our school district (and districts across the nation) with emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on our schools, including the safe reopening and continued operation of our schools.
  • Authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Section 18003, the intent and purpose of ESSER I is to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus.
  • Authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act of 2021, the intent and purpose of ESSER II is to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students.
  • Authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, the intent and purpose of ESSER III funding is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students.
ESY (Extended School Year)
Individualized instructional programs are provided beyond the regular school year for eligible students with disabilities under IDEA.
EVI (Education Material for the Visually Impaired)
This is part of the online instructional materials ordering system known as EMAT. Districts are able to order Braille, large type or audio copies of adopted instructional material through this system.
Extracurricular Activities

Non-academic activities like sports, clubs, and arts. Participation can enhance social skills and college applications.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
A federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Parents have a right of access to their children's education records. When a student turns 18 or enters college, the rights under FERPA transfer to the student.
FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas)
An accountability rating for a school district. It is based on the district's overall performance on certain financial measurements, ratios, and other indicators that are established by the commissioner of education.
Flipped Classroom
A model where students review lecture content at home and engage in hands-on activities in class. This approach aims to make classroom time more interactive.
Formative Assessment
Assessments that are ongoing and often informal. They help teachers understand student progress and adapt instruction accordingly.
Foundation School Program (FSP)
The state program that establishes the amount of state and local funding due to school districts under the Texas school finance law.
Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE)
A Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) is a thorough and personalized assessment process conducted to determine whether a student has a disability and is eligible for special education services. The FIE is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and is a critical step in the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for qualifying students.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE)
This term refers to a full-time employee. When calculating the number of staff members employed by a district, for example, two half-time employees would equal one full-time equivalent employee.
GED (General Educational Development)
A high school equivalency program. Individuals who pass the exam earn a high school equivalency diploma. The GED tests cover five subjects: math, science, social studies, writing and reading.
Gifted & Talented (G/T)
Gifted & Talented (G/T) means a child or youth who performs at or shows the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment and who: (1) exhibits high-performance capability in an intellectual, creative, or artistic area; (2) possesses an unusual capacity for leadership; or (3) excels in a specific academic field.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
A grade point average measures the average of all the final grades a student has received.
In Klein ISD, the terms "complaint" and "grievance" are used interchangeably. A grievance is a formal written complaint filed by a student or parent to address a decision or action that they believe has adversely affected them. The grievance process is designed to resolve these issues at the lowest possible administrative level and in a timely manner. See School Board policy FNG for more.
The ability to persevere in challenging situations. It's often considered an important trait for long-term success.

Guiding Documents
Three Guiding Documents created collectively in the community define our culture by describing the aspirational and inspirational attributes of a Klein ISD Learner, Leader, and High-Quality Teaching. Visit to learn more about our guiding documents.
A formal proceeding where relevant parties, including the student, parents or guardians, school administrators, and sometimes legal representatives, convene to discuss and evaluate disciplinary actions taken or proposed against a student. The hearing serves as a platform for presenting evidence, testimonies, and arguments, and aims to ensure that disciplinary measures are fair, consistent, and in accordance with applicable laws and school policies. The outcome may result in the upholding, modification, or overturning of the disciplinary action in question.
Hearing Officer
An impartial person appointed by the Texas Education Agency in charge of a due process hearing. The hearing officer cannot be an employee of any agency involved in the education or care of the child who is the subject of the hearing and cannot have any personal or professional interest that would conflict with his or her objectivity in the hearing. The hearing officer must possess the necessary knowledge and skill necessary to serve as a hearing officer. The hearing officer issues a written decision based upon the evidence and witnesses presented at the hearing.
IB (International Baccalaureate)
A nonprofit educational foundation that offers three programs for students aged 3 to 19 to help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world Klein Oak is currently the only high school to offer IB. Students zoned to other high schools are able to apply and transfer to Klein Oak to be in the programme. Students earning the diploma automatically receive 24 college credits at state universities in accordance with TEC 51.968.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
A law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities.
IFA (Instructional Facilities Allotment)
An allotment that provides funding to school districts for payments on debt service for the purchase, construction, renovation and expansion of instructional facilities
IHE (Institute of Higher Education)
A college or university.
Individual Graduation Committee ( IGC)
The Individualized Graduation Committee (IGC) will review eligibility and provide a plan for students to meet the graduation requirements if they have not met a passing score for no more than two EOC exams. The IGC must meet to review student eligibility, create a plan for interventions, provide oversight for the process, and ensure the student’s intervention plan is completed successfully.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a legal roadmap for what individualized supports and services a child with disabilities will receive to help them learn and succeed in school. IEPs are free for eligible children in public schools. An IEP is reviewed annually to make changes in services and supports. An IEP is more involved and specialized than a 504 plan.
Intellectual Disability (ID)
A student with an ID is one who has been determined to have significantly subaverage intellectual functioning as measured by a standardized, individually administered test of cognitive ability in which the overall test score is at least two standard deviations below the mean when taking into consideration the standard error of measurement of the test and concurrently exhibits deficits in at least two of the following areas of adaptive behavior: communication, self-care, home living, social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources, self-direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health, and safety.
Interest & Sinking (I&S)
The Interest and Sinking (I&S) fund is specifically used to repay bonds that have been issued for capital projects, such as building new schools or major renovations to existing facilities. The I&S fund covers both the interest and the principal on these bonds.
Invitation for Bid (IFB)
A competitive bid process used for obtaining pricing for specified goods or services. All competitive bid processes must be in compliance with the language of Texas Education Code 44.031.
The vendor’s itemized list of goods or services shipped which specifies price, terms of sale, and payment requirements.
JJAEP (Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program)
In accordance with Texas Education Code (TEC) Chapter 37, a JJuvenile Justice Alternative Education Program is an alternative education program that is operated under the authority of a juvenile board of a count. Students are assigned to a JJAEP program as a result of violating Texas Education Code Chapter 37 listed offenses which include: 1) mandatory expulsion from their home school campus for serious infractions of the Student Code of Conduct, 2) discretionary expulsions for serious infractions that occur off-campus as well as other infractions of the Student Code of Conduct, or 3) are court ordered due to Title V offenses or probation conditions.
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
Air Force, Army, Navy, and Space Force programs in certain campuses which combine military education with baccalaureate degree study, often with financial support for students who commit to future military service.
Klein ISD Education Foundation (KEF)
Established in 2000, the Klein ISD Education Foundation is a 501c3 organization that provides direction and support through funds that are raised for innovative academic and enrichment projects and staff development activities for the Klein Independent School District.
Klein Leadership Coalition (KLC)
The Klein Leadership Coalition is a standing team of key influencers: Board members, community leaders, parents, teachers, principals, business owners, clergy, community members, and district leadership who have a vested interest in the success of EVERY student and Klein ISD. This team will serve as key communicators and advisers on focus areas of the district as well as legislative priorities. This group will help the district continue its work by building a network of informed and active community supporters.
KP (Klein Prep)

Klein Prep courses are rigorous honors level courses for students in grades 6-10 aligned to the College and Career Readiness, Advanced Placement and IB Diploma Programme standards.

Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee. This committee is responsible for ensuring that students who are developing the English language have access to the appropriate instruction, support, and accommodations needed to comprehend and master content.
LEA (Local Educational Agencies)
A public school district, open-enrollment charter school or regional education service center.
Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP)
An individual who has completed a supervised school psychology internship of which 600 hours are in the school setting, is licensed or certified in school psychology by the state in which the individuals works, or in the absence of such state licensure or certification, possesses national certification by the National School Psychology Certification Board.
Limited English Proficient (LEP)
An initiative that provides intensive programs of instruction for students with limited English proficiency. It also provides training materials and other resources to assist teachers in developing the expertise required to enable students of LEP to meet state performance standards.
The ability to read and write. Literacy skills are foundational for all other academic learning.
LMS (Learning Management System)
Software used for delivering, tracking, and managing education online. It's often used for blended learning and online courses. Klein ISD uses Schoology for its LMS.
Maintenance and operations (M&O)
The Maintenance and Operations (M&O) portion of a school district's budget is used for the day-to-day expenses necessary to run the schools. This includes salaries for teachers and staff, utilities, supplies, and routine maintenance. M&O does not cover costs for building new facilities or major renovations.
MAP Test
The NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Test is an advanced tool designed to evaluate and promote your child's academic growth and learning achievements. What makes this test special is its adaptive nature, ensuring a personalized testing experience that adjusts to your child's unique learning level.
Master Reading Teacher (MRT)
Reading teachers who mentor other teachers as they meet the diverse reading needs of their students.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
A document that expresses mutual accord on an issue between two or more parties.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
MTSS stands for a multi-tiered system of supports. This is a framework schools use to give targeted support to struggling students in all areas. You may also hear it called the MTSS framework, the MTSS process, or the MTSS model.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
A program of the U.S. Department of Education known as the "nation's report card." It provides information on state and national student achievement and achievement changes over time.
National Honor Society), NJHS (National Junior Honor Society (NHS)
National organizations established to recognize academic achievement, leadership, service and character in high school and middle level students.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC)
An independent, not-for-profit organization that conducts the National Merit® Scholarship Program and the National Achievement® Scholarship Program - annual competitions for recognition and college undergraduate scholarships. This organization was established in 1955.
New Employee Welcome (NEW)
New Employee Welcome is Klein ISD’s onboarding event for new employees. The kick-off event occurs the week before back-to-school professional learning while mid-year hires attend when they complete the hiring process. Onboarding includes intentional programming and content to support new employees in their transition to our district like our district strategic vision, digital resources information, how to support learners, and more.
National School Lunch Program/School Breakfast Program. Schools receive federal funding to support free and reduced-cost access to lunch and breakfast daily. Schools collect family income information at the beginning of the year to identify which students qualify for support.
The ability to understand and work with numbers. Numeracy is essential for everyday tasks and is a focus of math education.
OCR (Office for Civil Rights)
A USDE agency that works to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through enforcement of civil rights

Dual Enrollment option for courses provided by University of Texas.  Students earn high school and college credit simultaneously.

Parent-Teacher Conference

A meeting between parents and teachers to discuss a child's progress. These are usually scheduled at least once a year.

An intentionally designed coherent sequence of courses in Klein ISD designed to support student interest or a specific course of study.
PEIMS (Public Education Information Management System)
An application that encompasses all data requested and received by TEA about public education, including student demographic and academic performance, personnel, financial, and organizational information.
PIA (Texas Public Information Act)
A Texas state law that gives the public access to government records. All government information, with certain exceptions, is presumed to be available to the public.
PLC (Professional Learning Community)
A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is a collaborative network of educators committed to working together to achieve better results for the students they serve. PLCs operate under the premise that the key to improved learning for students is continuous, job-embedded learning for educators.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social/mental health competence, academic success, and school climate.
Power of Attorney (POA)
A legal document that grants a designated individual, who is an adult resident of the district, known as the agent, the authority to act on behalf of another individual, referred to as the principal, in specific educational matters. This can include making decisions about educational placement, accessing educational records, and attending parent-teacher conferences. The scope of the POA can be general or specific, as outlined in the document. A POA does not replace the legal rights of a parent or guardian but serves as a tool for delegating certain educational responsibilities.
Progress Monitoring
An ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve. Professional learning communities operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous job-embedded learning for educators.
Project Purchase Order
A form of purchase order that should be used when the end-user has an estimate of how much money will be expended over an extended period of time. This form of purchase order typically has multiple expenditures that need to be released over an extended period of time.
The Preliminary SAT, commonly known as the PSAT, is a standardized test administered by the College Board and co-sponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) in the United States. The PSAT serves multiple purposes, including preparing students for the SAT exam, providing colleges with data for recruitment, and qualifying students for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) / PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization)

An organization that promotes parent-teacher cooperation. PTAs often organize events and fundraisers.

Purchase Order
A purchaser’s formal written offer to a vendor containing all terms and conditions of a proposed transaction. Purchase Orders are contracts once the vendor takes action to fulfill the offer stated on the Purchase Order.
Quarterly Summative Exams are used to determine if students learned all of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) taught within the grading period.
The ability to recover quickly from difficulties. Resilience is often taught as a life skill in educational settings.

Response to Intervention (RtI)
Response to Intervention is commonly known as RtI. The RtI process focuses on providing high quality instruction and interventions that match the student's needs. Data is taken at regular intervals to monitor student progress and adjust if needed. Behavior RtI focuses on this same process for student needs in the area of behavior.
RFP (Request for Proposals)
A competitive bid process utilized when the annual aggregate of a procurement category exceeds $50,000, and where a request for proposals is advertised and proposals are received in the same way as bids. Once opened, the District can select the best proposal and negotiate specific terms with the vendor to further lower the price or improve the contract.
RFQ (Request for Qualifications)
A competitive solicitation document that is advertised requesting submission of qualifications or specialized expertise in response to the scope of services required. Requests for qualifications are used when looking to procure professional services as defined by Texas Government Code 2254.002. Responses are evaluated solely on the qualifications of the submitting vendor.
RTI (Response to Intervention)
A process addressing the needs of all students through a continuum of services which provide high quality instruction and scientific, research-based, tiered intervention strategies aligned with individual student need; frequent monitoring of student progress to make results-based academic or behavioral decisions; data-based school improvement; and the application of student response data to important educational decisions such as those regarding placement, intervention, curriculum, instructional goals and methodologies.
A set of criteria used for grading assignments. Rubrics provide a clear outline of what is expected for each task.
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
Tests of verbal and mathematics ability given by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) and required or recommended by colleges as part of the admissions process. Also generally required by scholarship donors as part of the application packet.
SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification)
A state board that provides certification testing for educators, investigates allegations of educator misconduct, assists colleges, universities and alternative programs in developing and implementing teacher certification training programs, and ensures the quality of these programs.
SBOE (State Board of Education)
A state board comprising 15 elected members from districts throughout the state that establishes policy and provides leadership for the Texas public school system. The board sets curriculum standards, determines passing scores for state-mandated assessment tests, and oversees the investment of the Permanent School Fund.
SCE (State Compensatory Education)
Programs and/or services designed to supplement the regular education program for students identified as at risk of dropping out of school.
School Board

A school board is an elected, local governing body that can only take action at a legally called meeting of the Board and by a majority vote. The individual board member has the responsibility of studying matters impacting the district and being prepared to take action on items brought before the Board at a posted public meeting.

The responsibilities of a school board include the following:

  • Overseeing the development of the district’s vision, strategic priorities, and goals
  • Adopting policies that govern the district
  • Selecting and collaborating with the superintendent of schools, who is the chief executive officer for the school district
  • Adopting an annual budget with fiscal responsibility, including setting the annual tax rate
The SchoolCafé app is an all-in-one parent portal allowing families to manage students' meal accounts, including:
  • Meal benefits application (parents must create a SchoolCafé account to apply for meal benefits)
  • Manage/deposit funds for meal purchases
  • Block a la carte purchases
  • View student menus
Schoology is a Learning Management System (LMS) widely used in educational settings, including K-12 schools and higher education institutions. It serves as a centralized platform to facilitate online learning, classroom management, and communication between educators, students, and parents.
Section 504 (504 plan)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance, including public schools. A 504 Plan is a legal document outlining the accommodations, modifications, and services that must be provided to a student with a disability to ensure that they have equitable access to education.
Separate, Sequential, and Component Purchases
Dividing a purchase into several parts or buying parts of a system on separate orders to avoid having to use competitive pricing mechanisms to purchase goods or services. This practice is in conflict with State purchasing requirements and is subject to Texas Education Code 44.032.
Smart tag
The SMART tag system, which consists of student ID cards with barcodes and smart readers to read the cards, will allow students to:
  • check out library books via a quick scan,
  • easily pay for lunch and breakfast with a swipe,
  • and allow families to receive bus stop notifications when their child gets on and off the bus.
Special Education (SpEd)
Specially designed instruction at no cost to parents to meet the unique needs of the child with a disability, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings, and includes instruction in physical education.
Speech Language Pathologist (SLP)
The state-certified professional responsible for the diagnosis, prognosis, prescription, and remediation of speech, language, and swallowing disorders. A speech language pathologist evaluates and treats children and adults who have difficulty speaking, listening, reading, writing, or swallowing. The overall objective of speech language pathology services is to optimize individuals’ ability to communicate and swallow, thereby improving quality of life.
STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness)
A series of state-mandated standardized tests given to Texas public school students in grades 3-8 and those enrolled in five specific high school courses. First given in spring 2012, STAAR is based on the state's curriculum standards called the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
Standardized Testing
Exams that are administered and scored in a consistent manner. These tests are often used for assessing student performance on a national or state level.
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
In emergencies, Klein ISD uses standard language from the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) to inform our schools and community. SRP is based not on individual scenarios but on the response to any given situation. SRP demands a specific vocabulary but also allows for great flexibility. Visit for more information.
Standards-Based Grading (SBG)
Standards-based grading is an innovative approach to educational assessment that prioritizes mastery of learning objectives, or "standards," over traditional point-based grading systems. In SBG, each subject or course is broken down into its fundamental concepts and skills, which are then assessed individually. This allows educators, students, and parents to have a clearer understanding of a student's strengths and areas for improvement, providing a more targeted and personalized educational experience.
An educational approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics to promote holistic learning and problem-solving. STEAM aims to foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration by applying interdisciplinary skills to real-world challenges. Unlike its predecessor, STEM, which focuses solely on science, technology, engineering, and math, STEAM incorporates the arts to encourage a broader range of skills and perspectives. Schools with STEAM programs often feature project-based learning, hands-on activities, and collaborative teamwork to prepare students for a diverse and rapidly evolving workforce.
An acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education focuses on preparing students for careers in these fields.
Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priorities refers to the critical focus areas that Klein ISD identifies as essential for achieving our vision. These priorities are Cultivate Talent, Build Community, and Reimagine Learning. These areas serve as our guiding framework for decision-making, resource allocation, and action plans.
Student-Centered Learning
Instructional methods that prioritize student engagement. These methods encourage active participation and independent thinking.
Student Code of Conduct
A comprehensive document that outlines the expectations, rules, and guidelines governing student behavior within the district. It serves as a framework for promoting a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. The Student Code of Conduct covers various aspects, including academic integrity, attendance, dress code, and disciplinary procedures. It also outlines the consequences for violations and the processes for reporting and resolving issues. Students are expected to respect the rights and privileges of other students, teachers, and district staff.
The district’s rules of conduct and discipline are established to achieve and maintain order in the school, on vehicles owned or operated by the District, and/or at all school-related activities and apply in all those settings. The essential ingredients of the Student Code of Conduct are included in the Klein ISD Student Handbook.
The Student Code of Conduct has been developed in accordance with applicable law, including but not limited to Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code. The Student Code of Conduct is submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval on an annual basis.
Student Handbook
The Klein ISD Student Handbook is a general reference guide that is divided into two sections:
  • Section One: Parental Rights describes certain parental rights as specified in state or federal law.
  • Section Two: Other Important Information for Parents and Students is organized alphabetically by topic.

Where applicable, the topics are further organized by grade level. The Student Handbook is designed to align with law, board-adopted policy, and the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Handbook is not meant to be a complete statement of all policies, procedures, or rules in any given circumstance.

Summative Assessment
Assessments that are formal and graded. They are used to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional period.
Superintendent Student Leadership Council (SSLC)
A group of Klein ISD students in grades 8-12 who have been identified as leaders on their campus by their principal. These students will meet with Dr. McGown to advise, provide feedback and present viable solutions on district initiatives and programs with a focus on equity, leadership, communications and academics.
Surrogate Parent
When the parents of a child with a disability are not known or cannot be located, or when the child is a ward of the state, the local educational agency (LEA) must assign an individual to act as a surrogate or substitute parent for that child. The surrogate parent works to ensure the rights of the child are protected. The surrogate parent cannot be an employee of the Texas Education Agency, the LEA, or any agency that is involved with the education or care of the child.
TAC (Texas Administrative Code)
A compilation of all state agency rules in Texas. These rules are collected and published by the Office of the Secretary of State. There are 16 titles in the TAC. Each title represents a subject category, and related agencies are assigned to the appropriate title. State Board of Education and Commissioner of Education Rules are codified in the TAC under Title 19, Education, Part 2, Texas Education Agency. State Board for Educator Certification Rules are codified in the TAC under Title 19, Education, Part 7, State Board for Educator Certification.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
A federal program that provides financial and medical assistance to needy dependent children and the parents or relatives with whom they are living
TAPR (Texas Academic Performance Reports)
An annual statistical report produced each fall that contains a wide range of information about student performance, school and district staffing, programs, and student demographics. TAPR replaced the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report in the 2012-2013 school year.
TASBO (Texas Association of School Business Officials)
The Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) is an independent, not-for-profit association that supports business and operation professionals in Texas public schools.
TEA (Texas Education Agency)
The Texas agency that provides leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students. Located in Austin, Texas, TEA is the administrative unit for primary and secondary public education. Under the leadership of the commissioner of education, the agency manages the textbook adoption process, oversees development of the statewide curriculum, administers the statewide assessment program, administers a data collection system on public school students, staff and finances, rates school districts under the statewide accountability system, operates research and information programs, monitors for compliance with federal guidelines and serves as a fiscal agent for the distribution of state and federal funds.
TEC (Texas Education Code)
A set of the state statutes (laws) governing public education in Texas. It applies to all educational institutions supported in whole or in part by state tax funds, unless specifically excluded by the code. The TEC directs the goals and framework of public education in Texas. It is established by the Texas Legislature.
TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)
State educational standards for what students should know and be able to do from prekindergarten through high school.
TELPAS (Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System)
An assessment designed to assess the progress Emergent Bilingual (EB) students make in learning the English language.
Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI)
The Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) is a comprehensive, state-approved reading assessment tool used to evaluate the reading abilities of students in kindergarten through third grade. Developed in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the Children's Learning Institute, TPRI is designed to provide educators with actionable insights into each student's reading proficiency.
Title I
The nation's largest federal educational program. Created in 1965 during the War on Poverty, Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act serves remedial education programs to poor and disadvantaged children in nearly every school district in the country. Amendments to the law in 1994 tied the program to schoolwide and districtwide reforms based on challenging academic standards. Title I was formerly known as "Chapter 1."
Title IX
A federal program designed to prohibit gender discrimination in education facilities that receive federal funds. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 cases, which have typically been filed at the college level, have increasingly been filed against K-12 schools for gender equity in extracurricular sports.
Title VII
A federal program to make Emergent Bilingual (EB) students proficient in the English language. The full title of this program, created in 1984, is Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Funding goes to alternative approaches to bilingual education, such as English immersion programs, as well as traditional instruction in a student's native language.
Traditional Purchase Order
A form of purchase order that is to be used when the end user knows what the final cost of a purchase will be, or has a sufficient estimate from a vendor that is usually stated in the form of a quote.
Official record of high school or college courses and grades generally required as part of the college(and scholarship)application.
Transition Assessment
Ongoing process of collecting information on the student’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests as they relate to the demands of current and future living, learning, and working environments. This process begins at age 14 or earlier and will continue until the student graduates or exits high school.
Transition Services
A coordinated set of activities for the child with a disability that is designed to be within a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child's movement from school to post-school activities or home-to-school for the child in early childhood.
Unexcused absence from school. Chronic truancy can lead to academic problems and legal issues.
UIL (University Interscholastic League)
A league created by The University of Texas at Austin to provide educational extracurricular academic, athletic, and music contests. UIL organizes and supervises contests that assist in preparing students for citizenship.
Verification of Address Affidavit (VAA)
The Verification of Address Affidavit (VAA) is a legally binding document that serves as proof of a student's residence within a particular school district or attendance zone. This affidavit is typically required during the enrollment process and may be necessary for annual verification or when a student's residence changes.
Verification of Enrollment (VOE)
To provide documentation of enrollment and attendance status to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) for a student applying for a learner’s license and/or a license to operate a motor vehicle. The student presents the completed form to DPS.
Virtual Learning
Education that takes place over the internet. It can be synchronous (real-time) or asynchronous (self-paced).
WADA (Weighted Average Daily Attendance)
The weighted average daily attendance figure used in several state funding formulas to calculate the amount of state and local funds to which a district is entitled.
Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey (WMLS)
State-approved test used in Dallas ISD to identify students as Emergent Bilingual (EB). It is primarily a measure of cognitive academic language proficiency.
Wraparound Services
In education, wraparound services refer to when a school seeks to provide support to students that “wrap around” into all areas of life. For instance, wraparound services may look like providing vision screening or food support for students. Or, it may extend to providing health or housing help to a student’s family.
The X-axis is a horizontal line that runs from left to right on a coordinate plane. It serves as a reference line for plotting points and drawing graphs in mathematics and other disciplines that use data visualization. The X-axis is used to represent the independent variable in a data set or equation, providing a baseline for measuring changes or trends.
The Y-axis is a vertical line that runs from bottom to top on a coordinate plane. It intersects the X-axis at the origin point, labeled as (0,0). The Y-axis is used to represent the dependent variable in a data set or equation, allowing for the measurement of outcomes based on changes in the independent variable represented on the X-axis.
Zero Tolerance Policy
A school or educational policy that mandates predetermined consequences or punishments for specific offenses, regardless of the situation or context.
ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development)
This term refers to the range of tasks that a learner can perform with the help of a teacher or peer but cannot yet perform independently.