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Klein ISD is committed to maintaining transparency across all operations, ensuring that our students, parents, staff, and community members have access to relevant information about how the district operates. From financial reports to safety protocols and academic initiatives, we believe in open communication and responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars. Below, we provide detailed responses to stakeholder questions and essential information on district policies and initiatives.

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Are families satisfied with Klein ISD schools?
Yes, families are highly satisfied with Klein ISD schools. According to the 2024 Family Satisfaction survey results, Klein ISD achieved its best results ever, demonstrating strong family trust and confidence in the district's ability to provide quality education and a safe, supportive environment.
The district also earned an “A” rating in the areas of academics, teachers, college prep, athletics, clubs, and diversity from
These results reflect the district’s commitment to excellence in education and building strong partnerships with families.
When will my child’s school receive upgrades from the 2022 Bond?
All safety projects and those to address growth and capacity challenges at existing schools were escalated as priorities of completion first in the 2022 Bond program. The timeline for school upgrades is determined by the specific bond package and the prioritization of projects across the district. Klein ISD is committed to keeping families informed about the status of these projects through regular reports to the Board of Trustees, updates on our District Bond Website, and numerous district communications. We encourage families to stay engaged with the progress made possible by the 2022 Bonds authorized by local voters by checking for updates regarding their child’s school or contacting the district office for more detailed information at
Is Klein ISD financing technology with Bond funds for 30 years?
Absolutely not. Each bond sale has a repayment schedule of 25 years which covers all the assets being acquired or constructed, including buildings (50-year useful life), buses (15-year useful life), equipment (5-20-year useful life), and technology (3-5-year useful life). As technology has a shorter life, we schedule and pay additional principal in the first three years of each sale. For the bond sales in 2022 and 2023, principal payments will total $49,495,000, covering the short-term technology assets. In comparison, years 4-6 of the repayment schedule show $31,195,000 in payments. For each bond sale, our bond counsel reviews the payment schedule, compares it to the assets being acquired or constructed, and ensures the useful life is in line with the repayment schedule.
I saw my child’s school on the news. How do I know what I saw is true?
We understand that seeing your child’s school on the news can be concerning, and we want to ensure that you have access to accurate, up-to-date information. Although the media may report on incidents, their information can sometimes be incomplete or speculative. For the most reliable updates, we recommend checking district communications, visiting our website, or contacting your school directly.
In any significant event, Klein ISD will promptly send verified, accurate information to parents and guardians via official communication channels, including email, phone, and/or text messages.
If you have specific questions or concerns about your child’s school, we encourage you to contact the school administration directly. Due to federal laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), that limit the release of certain details, particularly when students or staff are involved, as well as our commitment to protecting the privacy rights of students and staff, there may be limitations on the information we can share. However, we are always open to discussing your concerns, and you are welcome to make an appointment to meet with a staff member for more clarity on the situation.
Are many families leaving public schools for private schools?
Not in Klein ISD. Over 9 out of 10 students in our area attend Klein ISD schools. While a small number of families may choose private or charter schools or homeschooling, Klein ISD remains the top choice for the overwhelming majority of local families. We are committed to offering academic excellence through high-quality educators who support students in extracurricular activities and work in partnership with parents to meet the needs of all students. We actively engage with families to ensure they feel heard, valued, and supported. If parents have concerns, we encourage them to reach out directly so we can work together to address any issues.
Why does the Board spend time in their board meetings on “recognition of results”?
Our board is proud to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff as part of our mission to recognize and support excellence in Klein ISD. These celebratory moments of recognition of results are balanced with the district’s business matters, all conducted according to Texas law and within the public eye. Although some may perceive these recognitions as “unnecessary,” we believe regularly recognizing the significant accomplishments of our students, teachers, and the district’s successes is valuable to our district family culture and community engagement.
How can I view a Klein ISD Board meeting if I am unable to attend in person?
Board meetings are live-streamed and made available on the Klein ISD website for public access. A video recording is posted after the meeting, and these videos are easily accessible for those unable to attend in person, ensuring transparency and public engagement in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Open Meetings Act. Board meetings are also recapped through monthly Board Notes that are shared via email with all staff and families to review.
When does Klein ISD post the Board meeting agendas?
We comply with the legal requirement to post meeting notices at least 72 hours in advance of every meeting of the Board. The location of the meeting is also posted clearly on the notice, determined by the expected number of guests for the meeting and room capacity, ensuring appropriate accommodations for all attendees. All meeting notices are posted both online and on the bulletin board outside of the Frank A. Lemmon Administration building and are open to the public.
Do Board members and Board meetings adhere to the Texas Open Meetings Act?
Our board meetings follow all requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act, with all votes conducted publicly. Trustees are diligent in their preparation, reviewing materials and discussing questions with the superintendent and her team before the meeting, allowing for efficient decision-making during the meeting itself.
Did Klein ISD join the lawsuit against the Texas Education Agency regarding accountability?
Klein ISD joined a lawsuit against the TEA due to mid-year changes in accountability rules for the 2022-2023 school year. We believe in clarity and communicating the rules for accountability to schools and school districts in advance of holding them accountable to those new rules. Now that we know the rules, we believe the TEA should release the 2023-2024 school year results, and districts should be held accountable for those results. As such, we did not join a second lawsuit regarding accountability.
Is Klein ISD top-heavy at Central Office?

Klein ISD spends 88.53% of the district budget on campus-level positions, including teachers, counselors, nurses, librarians, principals, and campus-level support positions such as custodians, bus drivers, and police officers. 9.26% is used to cover all campuses and facility utilities, property insurance, maintenance, data processing, social work, community services, and instructional leadership, along with tax collection and appraisal services paid to Harris County. According to financial data submitted annually to the Texas Education Agency, Klein ISD continues to have one of the lowest district administrative, or “Central Office”, cost indexes in Texas at 2.21% (SOURCE: See “General Administration” under “Operating Expenditures by Function”). Klein ISD is well below the average district administrative cost in Texas, which is about 4%.

Additionally, as student enrollment, student programming needs, and legal requirements for school districts change, the district adds or removes positions to support the needs of students. For example, please note that in 2015, the student enrollment was approximately 49,400, with an organizational chart (2015) representing central office positions supporting district needs. In 2024, the enrollment was approximately 53,500 students, with an organizational chart (2024) representing central office positions supporting district needs. Although the district leadership positions are currently fewer than they were in 2015, additional positions have been added throughout the organization to meet the growing needs of students. Added positions are essential for ensuring our campus staff and students receive the required services and additional support for overall student success. 

Please also note that titles of positions are sometimes updated to better reflect the scope of services provided to students and schools; retitling a position is not the same as adding a new position. For example, the Associate Superintendent of School Administration is now titled the Chief of Schools.

How do I know that Klein ISD manages my tax dollars well?
Our financial information is available on the website under “Financial Transparency,” and more detailed information is available to the public upon request. In the state's financial accountability ranking system, Klein ISD has earned the highest financial ranking possible of “Superior Achievement” since the inception of the rating system. For over 20 years, Klein ISD has committed to additional transparency by exceeding the required financial information and has earned the highest recognition from two external entities, the Government Finance Officers Association and the Association of School Business International. In addition, our overall tax rate is one of the lowest in the greater Houston area, providing a more affordable place to live.


Why can’t you use Bond funds to pay teachers more?
Bond funds are restricted to physical items with a useful life of greater than one year. This includes buses, land acquisition, technology infrastructure and equipment, and construction and renovation of schools. Bond funds cannot be used for operating costs such as supplies, utilities, and teacher compensation. Bond money is essential for large capital projects and long-term investments that keep our facilities and infrastructure up to date, but daily operational costs must be funded through other sources, primarily through the state funding formula consisting of a combination of local property taxes and state funding.
Has Klein ISD cut bus routes to reduce costs like other districts?
No, Klein ISD has not cut bus routes to our schools to save on costs. In fact, additional bus routes to our schools have been added to meet students’ needs for the 24-25 school year. We understand that many of our students rely on school buses for transportation, and cutting routes could negatively impact attendance and access to education. Ensuring reliable transportation is our priority, and we are committed to maintaining our bus services to support student success.
Are schools overcrowded and causing problems?
All elementary and intermediate schools just underwent a relief rezoning process to ensure balanced enrollment and capacity utilization in our schools for the 2024-25 school year. Elementary and intermediate schools that were previously overcapacity are now balanced with enrollment below 95% utilization due to the thoughtful rezoning efforts that took place during the 23-24 school year. Klein ISD closely monitors student enrollment and class sizes to ensure a balanced and effective learning environment. While certain schools may experience challenges due to population growth, the district actively addresses overcrowding through strategic planning, including facility expansions and the efficient allocation of resources. Our focus remains on maintaining high-quality education and support for all students.
Why doesn’t Klein ISD share the names of students involved in disciplinary actions?
Klein ISD must follow the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects the confidentiality of students. This includes keeping private the names and details of students who face disciplinary actions, such as being charged or expelled. While parents have the right to access and request corrections to their own child’s records, FERPA prohibits the district from sharing information about other students with anyone outside of authorized parties. This ensures the privacy and safety of all students.
How has Klein ISD strengthened safety protocols for the 24-25 school year?
  • As part of our ongoing efforts to engage the community, we produced a safety video highlighting our enhanced protocols, safety personnel, and the steps taken to secure our campuses. This video is part of our commitment to transparency and communication with families about the intentional efforts being made to enhance student and staff safety.

  • In addition to Klein Police Officers at every intermediate and high school, Klein ISD has added Level 3 Campus Guards at every elementary campus to enhance the safety and security of our schools. With advanced training and skills, our campus guards are well-prepared to handle any situation that may arise, ensuring peace of mind for our community.

  • To further harden our campuses, Klein ISD has installed numerous physical security enhancements, including shatter-resistant film on windows and security vestibules at building entrances. These upgrades are designed to protect against potential threats and improve overall campus security.

  • We have increased our mandatory back-to-school training, enhanced by expert-led sessions, and have implemented year-round, quarterly safety training for all staff to ensure student safety.

  • The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority, and we will continue to work closely with law enforcement to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for everyone. As always, we encourage students, staff, and families to report any concerns using our Keep Klein Safe anonymous reporting tool at

  • We’ve also introduced Klein YOUniversity, a series of workshops and virtual courses for parents, covering safety topics like human trafficking, digital safety, mental health awareness, and drug and alcohol prevention. These resources aim to equip parents to partner with us in navigating today’s challenges for their children.

  • The Klein ISD Chief of Police continues to strengthen partnerships with outside law enforcement, and our Keep Klein Safe tool allows for anonymous, 24/7 reporting of concerns, monitored year-round by our police department. We value community input and encourage feedback through our safety website.

  • We want to emphasize that Klein ISD takes all threats seriously, whether made in person, online, or in any form of communication. Making or spreading threats—even if intended as a joke or not taken seriously by the person making them—can result in severe legal consequences, including being charged with a felony, as well as disciplinary actions under the Klein ISD Student Code of Conduct up to and including expulsion from Klein ISD.

What information regarding investigations can be shared with families?
Klein ISD takes the privacy and safety of students very seriously. While we aim to be as transparent as possible, federal laws like FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) restrict the sharing of certain details about students, particularly regarding incidents that involve personal information and students who are minors. We are committed to maintaining student privacy while keeping families informed with the most accurate information allowed by law.
How does Klein ISD ensure transparency with parents?
Klein ISD prioritizes open and honest communication with parents. Multiple communication modalities are provided, including detailed updates through newsletters and campus and district websites, and direct lines of communication are maintained with school administrators and district leadership. We encourage parents to actively participate in district decisions by joining advisory committees and coalitions, where they can share feedback directly with campus and district leaders. Transparency is a key part of our partnership with families, and we are committed to keeping parents informed and engaged in district policies and decisions within legal parameters set forth in protecting children's privacy. An inbox has been provided to initiate feedback from our families to Klein ISD staff:
How does Klein ISD communicate when an employee is under Klein ISD investigation?
When an employee is under investigation, Klein ISD follows strict Texas Education Agency and legal guidelines for reporting misconduct and violations of district policy or legal standards. After a thorough investigation, any confirmed incidents involving former staff members are promptly reported to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and the State Board of Education (SBEC) for review and potential action by these agencies. In cases when an employee’s conduct directly affects students or campus safety, Klein ISD will communicate with impacted families in a timely manner, providing appropriate and accurate information while adhering to privacy laws. Notifications may include email, phone calls, or text messages, depending on the situation’s urgency. We are committed to keeping families informed and ensuring a safe learning environment while following all legal and privacy guidelines during Klein ISD investigations.
How does Klein ISD communicate in a crisis situation?
In any crisis, Klein ISD prioritizes timely and accurate communication with parents and guardians. We use multiple channels, including email, phone calls, and opt-in text messages, to provide district-wide updates. Additionally, we post real-time information on the district’s “Keep Klein Safe” tool, allowing for quick, anonymous reporting of safety concerns that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our goal is to keep families informed and ensure safety remains a top priority. Parents and legal guardians, please make sure your contact information is always up-to-date in Skyward. You can update your contact information at any time by using the online Skyward portal.
How does Klein ISD communicate information from Klein ISD investigations that involve the safety of my child’s school?
Klein ISD conducts its investigations with thoroughness and care while also respecting the privacy rights of the individuals involved. Federal laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), limit the release of certain details, particularly when students or staff are involved. While we are committed to transparency, our priority is to ensure that any shared information complies with these legal requirements. Additionally, while an investigation is being conducted, we do not communicate with our families until the point of the investigation allows us to share accurate information. We caution early release of information so we do not compromise the integrity of the investigation or unintentionally communicate inaccurate information. We will communicate relevant, accurate details to those directly affected as allowed by law as quickly as possible.
How can a book be formally reviewed?
If a parent or community member has concerns about a book, they can initiate a formal review under Board Policy EF (Local). The district thoroughly reviews all concerns and may initiate its own review of the material in question.
What should a parent do if they have concerns about a specific book?
Parents should reach out to the campus principal if a book is concerning, especially if it’s part of an assignment. Alternate reading options are always available upon request. Teachers also provide at least 14 days' notice before any book readings for class instruction.
Can parents limit what books their child checks out?
Yes, Klein ISD partners with parents to ensure they are informed about their child’s reading choices. Parents can contact the campus librarian or school leadership to set specific limitations on materials for their child.
What is the Instructional Resources Policy for library materials?
Klein ISD follows Board Policy EF (Local), which covers all instructional resources, including physical, digital, and library books. All materials must be age-appropriate and content-appropriate, and the district maintains vetted book lists for English Language Arts (ELA) courses at all grade levels to ensure alignment with policy. Principals and campus staff receive annual training on expectations for these materials.
How are parents notified about the books their child checks out?
Parents are automatically notified electronically whenever their child checks out a library book. If concerns arise, parents can collaborate directly with the campus librarian or school leadership to set limits or explore alternative options.
What is Klein ISD's policy on ensuring appropriate library materials?
Klein ISD is committed to maintaining libraries free from obscene or vulgar materials. Our Instructional Resources Board Policy EF includes continuous reviews and a clear process for parents to challenge any material in question. We are currently reviewing over 660,000 books in our libraries.
How does Klein ISD support inclusion for Special Education students?
Klein ISD is dedicated to providing an inclusive learning environment for students with special needs. Through individualized education programs (IEPs), we offer a full continuum of services, including services and support in the general education classroom and special education settings. This also includes related services such as speech and related service counseling. These services are determined on an individual basis as agreed upon through an ARD (Admission, Review, Dismissal) committee comprised of the parent and school staff. Our goal is to ensure that students with disabilities spend as much time as their IEP allows with age-appropriate peers while also ensuring they receive the necessary accommodations and modifications to be successful. We work closely with parents to create personalized education plans that meet each student’s unique needs, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning experience for all.
Why does Klein ISD use services provided by the Texas Association of School Boards, also known as TASB?

Klein ISD uses TASB to access various essential services that help manage district operations efficiently and cost-effectively. This includes services such as workers' compensation, auto, general liability, data breach insurance, and Medicaid billing support.

Additionally, through TASB’s BuyBoard, Klein ISD benefits from group purchasing, which eliminates the need for individual bids by each district. For the 2023-2024 school year, Klein ISD received $24,000 in rebates, reflecting the savings achieved through volume purchasing across Texas.

TASB’s not-for-profit status ensures that Klein ISD receives these valuable services at more competitive rates than private-sector providers. We also continue to bid out services as needed to ensure we are getting the best value for the district.