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Safe Return to In-Person and Continuity of Services Plan and ESSER Allocations

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 ESSER III Federal Grant Funding For Independent School Districts

In March 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act, also known as the ARP Act, was signed into law, dedicating funds for K-12 schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief (ESSER) III funds. As a result, Klein ISD is eligible to receive one-time federal funds through the ESSER III program to be spent prior to September 30, 2024 to address expenses and learning loss associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Klein Independent School District has applied for the American Rescue Plan, ESSER III Federal Grant for funding. This grant would provide funding to the district in two major categories. One area would address the student learning loss due to COVID-19 and the second area would address the safe re-opening of the public school district. The application also deals with other areas related to COVID-19 issues such as retaining employees, operational needs of the school district due to COVID-19 issues, and teacher support.

General specifics on the grant are as follows: 

  • Time frame for the grant: Pre-award costs can be re-coded from March 13, 2020 and allowed to spend funds until September 30, 2023. With the Tidings Act, if districts needed to carryover unused funds they would be allowed to continue spending to September 30, 2024
  • Districts would be required to follow all federal, state and local regulations and requirements for federal grant administration and fiscal spending of funds
  • District entitlement for the grant for the 3 year period: $72,681,734 

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ESSER III Grant Information from Klein ISD:

Addressing Learning Loss for our Students:

Throughout this pandemic, Klein ISD stayed committed to excellent and equitable learning outcomes for every student.  However, we know that so many students have faced untold hardships while attempting to make adequate learning progress.

Klein ISD will continue to take immediate action to address the inequitable losses our students have experienced due to the impact of the pandemic.

Our ESSER funds will be invested specifically toward strategies that directly address learning recovery coupled with social-emotional support.  These strategies align to our community-adopted district priorities and support existing success strategies in place.

Use of Funds Plan:

  • Tutoring:  $20,542,995
    Research-based, high-frequency, highly targeted individual attention and learning time inside and outside of traditional school hours, especially for students with the greatest needs.  Summer enrichment and remediation programs. Includes additional personnel and operational costs such as after-hours transportation and facility costs.
  • Infrastructure & Technology: $36,868,971
    Additional student hardware, technology infrastructure refresh, HVAC & bus air quality improvements, wi-fi expansion and broadband accessibility.  Maintain existing Klein ISD portfolio & learning environment standards.
  • Personalized Learning: $3,583,763
    Continued emphasis on customized learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests.  Includes resources such as targeted data-tracking, additional teacher training, instructional support and increasing the number of pathways for post-secondary readiness.  Ensure each student's learning plan is based on what they know and how they learn best.  Accelerate learning & personalize instruction and instructional support.
  • Talent Investment: $11,686,005
    Additional investment providing our teachers with incentives that enhance the quality of instruction and better serve students.  Increased mental health & wellness support.  Strategic school personnel to support instruction.  

Public Comments Regarding the ESSER Plan are Outlined Below:

If you have questions regarding ESSER, please contact:

Betsy Maldonado Haisler
Director of State & Federal Programs

Public comments regarding the ESSER plan are always encouraged through the Klein ISD Family Feedback.

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