Useful Links
Policy for Energy Use and Conservation
Assess your home's energy use compared to other similar homes and find tips on how to improve yours core.
Learn about energy efficiency through this state-sponsored K-12 STEM program, Watt Watchers at School. Students can discover ways to save money by saving energy and water, empowering them to be involved in the efficient use of their school. Teachers can support this learning with hundreds of TEKS-aligned lessons to make instruction easy!
Make sure to check out the Watt Watchers at Home section for free resources for the community and homeschool students.
CenterPoint Energy provides free resources to learn more about natural gas. Their Safe and Smart program offers kids, teens, parents, and teachers activities and information regarding natural gas and how to use it safely and efficiently.
Calculate your "water footprint" through this interactive site and find new ways to save water. You'll also find a variety of educational resources!