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Klein Prep & Advanced Placement

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The Klein Prep Framework provides rigorous academic coursework aligned to the Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and International Baccalaureate college level curricula. The Framework utilizes College and Career Readiness Interdisciplinary Standards, The Rigor and Readiness Framework©, and the standards from the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented. Students in grades 6-11 who participate in Klein Prep designated courses are prepared for high school college credit earning courses in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages. A student enrolled in a Klein Prep (KP) course is expected to research, analyze, and propose solutions to real-world problems based on the practice of interdisciplinary study, literary analysis, problem-based learning, communication, collaboration, goal-setting, and self-reflection. To demonstrate mastery of academic content and attainment of post-secondary readiness skills, students in Klein Prep courses will create advanced/sophisticated products and presentations.

Advanced Placement Program

The Advanced Placement Program is an open-enrollment program that provides rigorous academic coursework in the major subject fields with course content designed at a college level. Courses are offered in English, social studies, science, world languages, math, and fine arts. A student enrolled in an AP course is very strongly encouraged to complete the course and take the corresponding AP examination at the end of the year. AP courses are recognized for college credit by many universities in the United States and abroad. All Klein ISD AP course syllabi are approved by the College Board.