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Standards Based Grading

We are thrilled to share that all students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades have a Standards-Based report card every nine weeks. This type of evaluation of student learning greatly benefits our students by clearly measuring their proficiency on defined essential standards in each core content area, along with Profile of a Learner (character development), and our Fine Arts. 
Educational research shows that when teachers measure students’ learning based on standards and not just a numerical or letter grade, then the ability for teachers to target specific areas of student strength and need is much more easily identified. Traditional grading systems are based on an average, which sometimes does not make clear to students and their families exactly what students have mastered or are still working on. Families will receive weekly communication through their students' folder from the classroom teacher indicating how their student is progressing on mastering each standard. The design of this Klein ISD standards-based report card was a collective effort of many of our teachers, specialists, and District Instructional Development Team, and we celebrate our educators’ focus on student learning and providing targeted feedback about student progress.

Learn more about Standards Based Grading below.

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Standards Based Grading Tips & Tricks

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