Early Childhood Special Education
The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program provides a language-rich environment and school readiness skills for students identified with special needs. It is important to note that the ECSE program is not a place, but rather, a continuum of support .
- ECSE provides services to children beginning on their third birthday.
- The ECSE assessment team evaluates children between the ages of two and five who are not in a District Pre-K program and are not yet kindergarten age, to determine if a child has a disability and whether there is a need for special education services.
Request for an Evaluation
Current Students - If you suspect your child may have a disability and is already enrolled in Klein ISD, please contact the Special Education Team Leader on your campus for guidance and next steps.
Students Not Enrolled - If your child is not enrolled in school and you suspect he or she may have a disability, please contact your campus counselor or General Education Designee at the child’s home campus based on Klein ISD attendance zones.
- From the date of the Parent’s request for an evaluation, the district has 15 school days to schedule a referral meeting to offer consent for initial testing or Notice of Refusal.
- The campus general education designee will notify the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) assessment team of the request for special education testing.
- Within this timeframe, a vision and hearing screening will be conducted.
- Upon receipt of the request for evaluation, the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) assessment team will schedule an intake session with the child.
- Upon completion of the intake meeting, a Referral Committee reviews the child’s data and the parent will be notified of the committee’s recommendations.
ECSE Resources
- Early Learning Outcomes-English
- Early Learning Outcomes-Spanish
- Early Learning Outcomes-Vietnamese
- CLI Engage for Parents
- Pre-K 3-Year-Old Parent Guide
- Books Beginning at Birth
- Klein ISD Special Programs
- Klein ISD Special Education Parent Resources
Need Assistance?
Jordan Guenther
Early Childhood Special Education Campus Coordinator
Sandra Schiffer
ECSE Interventionist
Lara Cotton
ECSE Interventionist
Amanda Toon
Special Education Director of Assessment and Related Services
Dr. Anjelica Greene
Coordinator of appraisal and Psychological Services