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Dyslexia Services

The Klein ISD dyslexia program is designed to provide short-term reading intervention for children identified as having characteristics of dyslexia. Intervention services are offered to qualifying students in all grades. The components of instruction include explicit, systematic, and sequential multi-sensory instruction. Klein teachers are trained in dyslexia intervention strategies, which target the five areas of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The goal of the dyslexia intervention program is for students to gain accurate and fluent reading.

Student Eligibility

Klein ISD takes a proactive approach in identifying reading disabilities, such as dyslexia, through early identification and intervention. The Response to Intervention (RtI) model is used for early identification and intervention. However, a student does not have to go through RTI to be considered for a dyslexia evaluation. During the course of the school year, students struggling in the area of reading may be referred for dyslexia evaluation by the campus-based Collaborative Planning Team. The parent may also initiate a request for referral for dyslexia evaluation at any time.

  • Parental consent forms and parent questionnaires are required to initiate the evaluation.
  • Parents of elementary students should contact the campus Reading Specialist.
  • Parents of intermediate and high school students should contact their child's counselor.
  • Evaluation procedures are in accordance with TEA's Dyslexia Handbook (2021) .

Dyslexia Handbook Guidance Documents for Families

Dysgraphia Brochures

Dyslexia Brochures

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District Dyslexia Team - Program Coordinators

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