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Section 504


Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”), the Klein Independent School District has a duty to locate, identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, offer a free appropriate public education to every child in the School District’s jurisdiction. Klein Independent School District’s duties extend to all individuals, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, who are between the ages of 3 - 21, whether or not the individual is enrolled in a public school. Anyone interested in additional information regarding Klein Independent School District’s Child Find duties, or for answers to any question you may have about identification, evaluation, and placement into Section 504 or IDEA programs, please contact your local school’s principal.

Child Find Flyer (English)
Child Find Flyer (Spanish)
Child Find Flyer (Vietnamese)

Amanda Davis, M.Ed., LPC
Director of Student Support Services

Klein ISD Central Office
7700 Spring-Cypress Rd. 
Klein, TX 77379
Phone: 832-249-4372