K-12: In-District Enrollment
Step 1
NOTE: Returning families enrolling additional students OR living in a new attendance zone please proceed to Step 2.
Before completing the online enrollment application, you must request enrollment access.
You will need your
- Contact Information
- Address
- Email Address
Once your request is submitted, you will be emailed a username and password. Please save this email or write down the username and password. This username and password will be used to submit your Online Enrollment Request in Step 2.
Step 2
Step 3
New families should contact their campus registrar and arrange an appointment to complete the enrollment process.
Have a Question or Need Assistance?
Find Your School by Your Address
Use the address locator to find your zoned Kindergarten - 12th Grade schools for the the 2024-2025 school year.
* You will need to enter your current home address to use the locator.
Account Help
If you need your account information or are experiencing other issues, contact familyaccess@kleinisd.net for assistance. The email should include your
- Your full name
- Your child's name(s)
- The campus each attends (if applicable)