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Benignus Elementary Awarded $5,000 from KEF for ‘I Like Large Print and I Cannot Lie’ Grant

Benignus Elementary Awarded $5,000 from KEF for ‘I Like Large Print and I Cannot Lie’ Grant
Terencia Lee

Benignus received a Klein ISD Education Foundation (KEF) grant to fund the ‘I Like Large Print and I Cannot Lie’ program to improve readers of all levels.

In a surprise visit orchestrated by the KEF Celebration Express, the school was honored with the grant in the presence of Foundation directors, community members, and our esteemed Superintendent, Dr. Jenny McGown.

Amidst an atmosphere of joy and excitement, the Benignus elementary staff welcomed numerous Foundation supporters disembarking from the Celebration Express school bus. They presented substantial grants to the recipients, including Benignus Elementary. 

Benignus Elementary will use the $5,000 grant, sponsored by Stantec, to purchase large print chapter books to offer a wider variety of interests and reading levels to students.

This project was created for the purpose of encouraging and challenging students of all reading levels, but particularly below-level readers. Gale research indicates that below-grade-level readers had a 76% better retention rate when reading a large print book, 68% of special education students had increased participation in class read-aloud activities, and at-level readers had 73% improved reading fluency and spent 73% more time reading. Furthermore, the same study shows that emergent bilingual students acquired the English language 42% faster with large print books.

These longer, large print books provide the size while also giving students a text they are more likely to be able to read and comprehend. 

“We absolutely cannot wait to see this grant in action,” Klein Education Foundation Director Christy Spisak said. “We know what a difference it will make for the students at Benignus Elementary!”

This fall, the KEF Celebration Express distributed grants totaling $79,134, enriching educational experiences for our learners. These grants encompass various innovative and engaging projects, from initiatives focused on Math fluency to those enhancing literacy. The Fall 2023 grant recipients are not only innovative but also serve as a source of inspiration.

We extend heartfelt gratitude to all our grant sponsors whose contributions have made these initiatives possible. Your support plays a pivotal role in enhancing the educational journey of every Klein ISD student.

The Klein ISD Education Foundation accepts grant applications biannually, encouraging, facilitating, and acknowledging creative projects that drive academic success for our Klein ISD students.

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